Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum Leybonol

Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum Leybonol LVO 220 Ester Oil, for RUVAC Pumps, 1 literSynthetic Ester Oil with additives for RUVAC operation specifically for operation with gas lasers.

This is Oerlikon Leybold Leybonol LVO220.

This is quality mechanical vacuum pump oil for the ultimate performance of your vacuum pumps.

Very high thermal, oxidative and chemical stability, good deterging and dispersion characteristics, excellent wear protection.

Leybonol LVO220 is a Synthetic Ester Oil especially blended for use for RUVAC WSLF Pumps for operation with gas lasers.

Optimized for use in Oerlikon Leybold Ruvac Roots Pumps.

We recommend that you change your vacuum pump oil at least every 3 months to prolong the life of your vacuum pump.

Oerlikon Leybold Leybonol LVO220 Brand Oil Viscosity – ISO VG Class 100 ca.